Take your website to the next level.
Grow exponentially with our 100% ethical SEO Services.

SEO Package

Rs 349.00* .COM Domain! Get going with GoDaddy!

5 10 20 40 80 100+
Cost Factor
Packages Bronze Silver Gold Titanium Platinum Diamond
Contract duration (Minimum) 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months 6 Months
Monthly Charges $149/Month $249/Month $349/Month $449/Month $599/Month $999/Month
  Website wise Factors
No. Of Keywords Optimization 5 10 20 40 80 100
Preliminary SEO Check
Detailed SEO Check
Keyword Analysis
Competitor Analysis
  SEO Compatibility Check
Website load Time
Page Size check
Broken link check
duplicate content check
  On-Page Optimization
Title & Meta Tag optimization
Robots.txt Creation
Sitemap.xml Creation
Cannonical Issue check
Image optimization
Anchor tag optimization
H1/H2 tag optimization
Content optimization
New Content Creation( if required)
URL Mapping
URL Rewriting
Google Webmaster tool setup
Google analytics setup
Bing webmaster setup
  Off-Page Optimization Factors
One way Link Building
No Follow link Check
Social Bookmarking
Article Content Writing
Article Submission
Article Social Bookmarking
Press Release Writing
Press Release Submission
Rss Feed Submission
Local Search Engine Submission
Google and other map updation
  Web2.0 Submissions / Blog Optimization
Blog Setup
Blog Optimization
Blog articles writing
Blog Feed submission
  Social Signals
Facebook Business Page Setup
Tweaks per month 4 8 16 25 40 70
Twitter Account Setup
Tweets per month 4 8 16 25 40 70
Google Plus Business Page Setup
Tweaks per months 4 8 16 25 40 70
Stumbleuopn Profile Creation
Social Sharing per month 4 6 10 20 30 50
Pinterest Account Creation
Pinterest Board management
No of pins shared per month 4 6 10 20 30 50
Author Markup Verification with Google +
Profile Content Writing
Monthly Ranking Report
Analytics Progress Report
  Customer Support
Email/Call/IM/Skype Support