Our team of skilled online reputation professionals create and elevate
a positive impact for your brand and push the negative impression down the search results.

Brand Reputation Management

Brand Reputation Management

Now days, your online reputation can make or mar your business. Today, before buying any product we first read user reviews.

We visit forums, social networks, massage boards and go through videos on YouTube and then make the buying decision. So, if the company or brand we are looking for has a good reputation or feedback in the market then we think it is a good brand or product.

At the same time, you never know whether your competitors are badmouthing about your brand, product or services in the market deliberately. So, here you need brand reputation management services from a professional service provider like Rampre Technologies. We first search and discover your brand reputation across all major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. After that we constantly keep a watch and monitor conversations as and when they happen online. We keep documenting everything categorically and prepare counter statements to revive the overall online brand reputation.

We have a veteran team, who are proficient in all above discussed aspects. They monitor constantly and identify those keywords that show you in poor light. We further generate positive word-of-mouth publicity for your company across different social media platforms and search engines. By inundating Google with positive content about you, we relegate the existing negative material in Google, virtually making it inaccessible.

Our Brand Reputation Services include:

  • Brand Reputation Monitoring : Initial Search and Analysis / Constant Monitoring
  • Identification of Problem Factors : Discovering the sources of negative publicity / Documentation
  • Eliminating the Negative : Removing the negative / Posting answers and counter statements.
  • Enhancing the Brand Reputation : Forum, Press Release, Video Posting / Interviews, Ads in the Media

So, contact us today via phone or email at We would be delighted to manage and revive your online brand reputation.
